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Unlock your Expertise with Micro Courses: Discover Bite-Sized Brilliance with Jasper AI and The JOYFull BadAss | The JOYFull BadApp 

Are courses or training part of your business model? Would you like them to be? 

Many coaches, consultants, authors, entrepreneurs, and small business owners sell courses based on their subject matter expertise in order to gain leads, create transformation and serve their clients. They can be the core sources of income or lead magnets for VIP courses, 1:1 coaching, masterminds, events, or other high ticket offers. 

Cloud-based learning management systems with a traditional approach to e-learning course design are also popular. However, this approach does not support #JOYFullProductivity as it can take weeks or months to implement as you build & record multiple slide decks, workbook pages, and assessments.  

Not only are many entrepreneurs NOT curriculum designers, but they also struggle with technology, which can be tricky and hard to learn or integrate easily. You may wind up spending quite a lot of time and money on videos, graphics, and fancy workbooks because you’ve been told MORE is MORE…. you must add more value! 

Well, there’s no value or joy in courses that aren’t completed, which often happens when folks are hit with the firehose approach …. give lots and lots of content with lots & lots of supporting documents that take lots and lots of time. 

More is not merrier. More is long, tiring, and time consuming. More is not conveniently integrated into anyone’s day. 

More is also time consuming, frustrating, and tiring to create. Not much joy in either of these scenarios. 

Your Clients want a SIP, not a SOAK

As a former teacher, curriculum director, and adult educator, I know from experience, that more is not better when it comes to the science of learning. It’s like drinking from a fire hydrant. 

Not only are attention spans shorter these days due to technology, but your brain can only process so much info at once without saying, “eff that!”

In other words, training or lessons that last longer than 10 minutes are no longer effective, innovative, or engaging for adult learners. Adults are busy … they are balancing work, home, family, side hustle, aging parents, active kids, volunteering, sports, health, self-care… you get me. Adults have a lot of shift on their plates. 

Now, expect them to find an hour to go through 1 module, read the article, do the reflection, and join the group coaching sessions/weekly calls. 

To be honest, I have not completed so many courses due to the fact I just couldn’t … they were too much. 

I know some say that if you really want something, you will make time for it, and I do believe that’s true, but as business owners who want to help our clients achieve their goals and live their best lives, would it hurt us to reconsider how we offer adult learning? 

Meet MicroLearning: Small, Satisfying SIPS that Meet Clients Where They Are

Microlearning is an instructional method that trims away the extra and focuses on the juicy nuggets of what people really need to know in order to be successful in your program. Each lesson is 5-10 minutes long, but could also be as short as 1-3 minutes. 

Of course, you can still provide handouts, videos, and resources but make sure they can be completed in less than 10 minutes. 

Research shows that information delivered in small chunks over time is more engaging, people remember it and are more apt to apply what they’ve learned. Voila! Every instructor’s dream come true! 

Now, Meet JASPER – the AI tool that will help you create value-packed courses in less time. This is the software platform that I use daily to create blogs, courses, e-books, social media, and everything in between.

JASPER has a library of preloaded templates for creating all kinds of content quickly and easily. You can also customize existing templates or create your own from scratch. It’s simple enough for beginners yet powerful enough for advanced users. Plus, it has a Google Chrome extension that I used while writing this blog!

The biggest thing about using the JASPER platform is that a human is still necessary! I use this platform to help save time, but I still have control over the content that is created. 

If you would like to learn more about our upcoming course: Creating Bite-Sized Brilliance: Do Less & Teach More with Micro Courses Powered by Jasper AI & The JOYFull BadAss, add your name to our Interest List, and we will send you all the juicy details!

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