Uncovering the Secret Rules of Gen Z in the Workplace | Wheelhouse Learning Solutions

When it comes to Gen Z, we find ourselves in the midst of a generation that is drastically different from the generations that came before. 

This is particularly true when it comes to their workplace expectations. Gen Z is known for its tech-savvy nature, entrepreneurial spirit, and a penchant for doing things their way. In this blog post, we’ll dive into what makes Gen Z expectations unique, and why this generation is so different from its predecessors.

Tech Savvy – Digital Natives

Gen Z is unique in that they grew up during a time when the digital revolution was already in full swing. Starved of attention, bombarded with stimuli, and constantly connected to screens, Gen Z has a very different perspective than people from previous generations. 

They have grown up with instant gratification, which makes them less tolerant of waiting for things to happen, whether it’s an email response or a promotion at work. They expect more immediate rewards, which can be challenging for businesses that are used to waiting to see results.

Gen Z grew up at a time when helicopter parenting was at its peak. With parents always hovering over them, Gen Z has been conditioned to want constant feedback and recognition for their work. This can be seen in the workplace, where Gen Z expects their superiors to be more hands-on and to offer feedback that is both frequent and personalized. They want their bosses to understand their unique needs, offer them opportunities to grow and develop, and ensure they feel appreciated for their work.

Gen Z has also grown up at a time when inclusivity and social justice are at the top of the agenda. They are highly attuned to issues around diversity and representation, both in the workplace and in society at large. Gen Z expects a workplace culture that reflects these values, one where they can bring their whole selves to work and feel respected and accepted for who they are. This means being mindful of the language used and ensuring that there are equal opportunities, regardless of gender, race, or sexual orientation.

Gen Z is known for its entrepreneurial spirit and its desire to make a difference in the world. They have grown up with the notion that they can change the world and want jobs that give them the chance to do so. They are less likely to stick around in a job that they don’t find meaningful and want a role that allows them to contribute to something bigger than themselves. They also want roles that allow for creativity, flexibility, and independence.

Gen Z has a unique set of expectations when it comes to the workplace. They grew up in an age of instant gratification, parental coddling, social justice, and entrepreneurship. 

To attract Gen Z workers, companies need to be mindful of these expectations and create a workplace culture that reflects their values. This may mean offering more immediate feedback, being inclusive, offering opportunities for growth and development, and ensuring that roles are meaningful and have a positive impact on the world. 

Understanding what makes Gen Z tick can not only help businesses attract talent but can also foster a more positive and engaged workforce.

If you are an HR leader struggling to attract, retain, or integrate multigenerational teams, Wheelhouse Learning Solutions can help. Book a short, no-pressure Discovery Call with Janifer. No slimy sales or marketing tactics here – when you complete our short intake form, your answers will lead our convo so that together, we can whip up a kick-ass consulting and support plan that’s totally customized to your budget and specific business needs.

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