Janifer Wheeler The JOYFull BadAss Logo

Ready to Take Charge of Your Week Like a BadAss?

Hey there, you BadAss! If you’re looking to take charge of your week, I’ve got some kick-ass advice for you. Trust me, planning each day as it comes doesn’t always cut it.

But dedicating your Sundays to planning the week ahead? That’s some serious ninja-level shit. 

Forget about those daily plans- that’s for amateurs. Let me show you why taking a moment to plot out the upcoming seven days will improve your life like nobody’s business. 

Here are just a few reasons to make planning on Sundays your new weekly ritual:

You’ll Learn to Say No: When you’ve got a plan, it’s easier to turn down the random stuff that life throws your way. You know what you need to focus on, so you can avoid curveballs that might throw you off your game.

Be Way More Productive: With a plan in place, you’ll be a lean, mean productivity machine. You’ll know exactly what you need to do and when, so you’ll be able to make the most of your time. Plus, you might even be able to sneak in a little downtime when you’re done with your tasks – win!

Find Balance & Harmony: All work and no play is a total snoozefest. When you plan your week ahead, you can make sure you’ve got a good balance between work and play. You’ll be able to enjoy life while also getting shit done.

Avoid Crisis Mode: Planning ahead helps you stay ahead of the curve. You won’t be freaking out over last-minute deadlines or other emergencies because you’ll have everything under control.

Keep track of everything: A good planning system on Sunday will help you stay on top of all your responsibilities like a boss. No more worrying about stuff falling through the cracks when it’s all in one place. I like to use Sunsama. 

Focus on what counts: No more distractions or shiny-object syndrome. When you’ve got a plan, you can be sure you’re working on the important stuff. Say goodbye to feeling scrambled and hello to a more relaxed, focused life.

Feel accomplished: There’s nothing quite like the feeling of ticking off tasks on your planner. You’ll feel like a total badass when you see how much you’ve achieved. And who doesn’t love that feeling?

Tips for a #JOYFullyProductive Week

Plan your week before it even starts! Brain Dump everything that needs to happen this week. Prioritize the most important tasks and give yourself the time you need to focus and succeed. Plus, you’ll be a productivity ninja.

Next, schedule everything on your calendar. This’ll make it easy as hell to keep track of what needs to be done. If you use the Sunday Set-Up, PLUS the Sunsama APP, you will definitely keep your sh*t together.

Don’t forget to chill out, too! Incorporate mellow or down times so you don’t burn out by mid-week. Even 10 minutes of break time can make a huge difference.

And if you’re a boss, you gotta have a checklist. It’s way easier to track your tasks and crush ’em one by one.

When you plan ahead, you’ll know which tasks are top priority, so you can give them the time and attention they deserve. No more sacrificing quality for speed!

Finally, keep some wiggle room for unplanned sh*t that comes your way. Cuz trust me, it will. It’s all good, though. You’ll be prepared AF and take on the week like a boss!

EFF the Sunday Scaries with The Sunday Set-Up

Ah, those Sunday Scaries, don’t we all just loathe them? That looming sense of anxiety for the week ahead, the gnawing feeling in your gut- it’s the absolute worst. The dread of what the next seven days might throw our way, is enough to make anyone despise Sundays.

That’s why we designed a membership subscription exclusively for The JOYFull BadApp, called The Sunday Set-Up.

Our subscription will arm you with the tools you need to kick ass in life, work, and everything in between. We believe that preparation is key, which is why you’ll get thoughtfully crafted content and self-care tricks on Sundays to help you set achievable goals, stay motivated, and focused throughout the week.

With our subscription, you’ll be in control, ready to ditch those anxiety pangs and say goodbye to that unprepared feeling.

We’ve got your back with weekly planning tips for clothes, meals, shopping, meetings, project deadlines, and must-do lists. Daily planning with morning meetings is also included, so you can get shit done!

You’ll even learn how to integrate automation into your day with tools like Favor, Amazon subscriptions, Instacart, Chewy, Pill Reminders, Sunsama, and Jasper, making your life even more badass.

We also believe in self-love rituals and activities that will best serve you, like journaling, gratitude, self-care, growth mindset, and even quiet time for introverts (because, let’s face it, we all need a recharge sometimes).

Sounds like a dream, right? Well, not exactly. It’s just a couple of taps away! 

Download the app to join our supportive community of badass women who are in total control of their schedules without sacrificing their well-being. Get our subscription today and start kicking ass in every aspect of your life!

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