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Productivity Courses

What if you could get more done in less time? You can with our JOYFully BadAss Business Academy. It’s designed to help busy people like yourself connect their goals, priorities, and tasks easily so they never have trouble getting things accomplished again!

Time Management Online Course & Materials

This is one of the best productivity classes online for busy entrepreneurs who are looking to make more money while working less. This isn’t your typical productivity course where you’ll be learning time management software or how to add tasks and alerts on your smartphone. It’s quite the opposite! You’ll learn your JOY language! 

This course comes with a handy productivity box, complete with everything you need for a mini-retreat at home. We’ll guide you through strategizing, designing, and planning your calendar the right way, using JOY as your number one factor in task selection. 

By the end of this course:

  • You’ll end up with a sustainable business that can grow without sacrificing your health or the well-being of your loved ones. 
  • You will have a visual record of tasks to delegate and eliminate or activities to propagate into new streams of revenue. 
  • You’ll know exactly what you need to delegate, who should you spend more time around (and less), and which rituals you should create to sustain your health, sanity, and revenue goals!
  • You’ll be more connected to your creative artist side and experience more productivity in your business than ever before.

Click here to learn more -> https://janiferwheeler.com/joy-money-micro/

Productivity Workshop: On-Demand

If you’re feeling burned out and are looking for some relief, this is the workshop for you! In Winning the Burnout Battle with JOYFull Productivity, presented by Janifer Wheeler of The JOYFully BadAss Business Academy, you’ll learn about the stages, signs, and solutions for dealing with chronic stress and burnout.


Burnout is real and its symptoms can feel awful. You might be feeling overwhelmed and stressed, exhausted both physically and emotionally, cynical and negative about your work, or unable to focus or concentrate. If any of this sounds familiar, know that you’re not alone and that there is hope!


This 30-minute workshop will cover everything from identifying the signs of burnout to developing a strategy that works for YOU. 

Click here to learn more -> https://janiferwheeler.com/burnout-masterclass/

Productivity Consulting & Coaching

You’re working hard, but you’re not getting the results you want.

It’s easy to feel like you’re spinning your wheels when you don’t see any progress. You work long hours, but it feels like you’re not getting anywhere.

Our productivity consulting and coaching programs are the answer. Our unique approach will help you get more done in less time so that you can finally start seeing results.

Our solutions are a fit for small business owners and teams of 5-50 members.

E-Learning Support Services

You’re a small business owner who wants to design courses, curriculum, and tools to train your team, but you don’t know where to start.

It can be tough to create quality e-learning content on your own. Not only do you need to develop the content, but you also need to make sure it’s engaging and effective.

We offer e-learning support services that will help you design e-learning resources that are both creative and effective. We’ll help you map out your course goals, choose the right technology tools, and develop engaging learning activities following our micro learning methodologies.

Policy and Procedure Development

Developing policies and procedures can be a daunting task, especially if you don’t know where to start.

Not having written policies and procedures in place can lead to all sorts of problems for your organization, including compliance issues, employee confusion, and decreased efficiency.

We are experts in policy and procedure development consulting. We will help you develop the policies and procedures that are right for your organization, using our proven methodology.

Productivity Courses

You’re a small business owner who is trying to do it all. You want to be a CEO, leader, and grow your business, but you don’t have time for any of that.

It’s hard enough to be a successful small business owner, but it’s even harder when you’re trying to do it all yourself. You don’t have time to learn about leadership and growing your business because you’re too busy working in your business.

Our productivity courses are the answer. We offer bite-sized courses that will teach you everything you need to know about being a successful CEO, leader, and growing your business without losing your life in the process.

It's Time To Get More Productive?

Schedule a complimentary discovery session for us to talk about how can I support your success.

Productivity Courses For Entrepreneurs & Small Business Owners

Book Me To Speak

If you’re looking for a way to boost your team’s productivity, booking Janifer to speak is a great way to do it. As a productivity coach, she’ll guide your team through strategizing, designing, and planning the right way, using JOY as their number one factor in task selection. This approach is guaranteed to help you get the most out of your time, and Janifer’s engaging presentation style will make sure everyone in the room is on board.

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