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How to Take a WorkCation:  #JOYFullProductivity on the Road

We’ve all been there. You’re sitting at your desk, scrolling through Instagram, and daydreaming about your next vacation. Imagine yourself strolling on the beach, wind in your hair, and feeling like nothing is due for weeks except another margarita! 

URRRRRREEEEKKKK! Your dreams are interrupted yet again by reality. 

You realize you can’t take a vacation because you have to work. 

Or do you? What if there was a way to combine work and vacation? 

TA DA!! Enter the workcation! 

That sounds like the worst idea! I need a vacation from my work, not a vacation with my work! Isn’t the point of having FUN???

Hear me out. A workcation can be the best of both worlds with little planning. You can have some much-needed time off while still being #JOYFullyProductive and getting things done. 

Don’t get me wrong, I love an utterly disconnected week (or two) off, but my husband has a job that does not allow my flexibility.  Therefore, I have become the QUEEN of Workcations. If not, I’d only go on trips twice a year, which does not align with my core values of freedom, learning, and traveling. 

A Workcation is a beautiful compromise that helps us get what we need to break the monotony of working from home and experience new people, places, and food. 

My most recent workcation is the inspiration for this blog. As much as I wanted to be off the grid for 14 days, there was just no way I could put The JOYFull BadApp on hold. Integrating work on this trip – Total Must Do! 

While traveling over 4000 miles, we left Austin on a Friday and, two weeks later, arrived home having spray painted a car at Cadillac Ranch, explored Denver Botanic Gardens, experienced a Wilco show at Red Rocks, soaked in Glenwood Springs, hiked The Arches, dipped my toes in the Great Salt Lake and spent a few days with my younger sister in her new home, Ogden, UT, I knew I had to share how productive and rejuvenating this trip was. If I can do it, you can do it too! 

Here are a few tips that have helped me be both JOYFULL and Productive while on a Workcation: 

Choose Your Destination Wisely

Not all destinations are created equal when it comes to working remotely. Consider factors such as internet connection, distractions, and amenities when choosing your destination. If you need to do light emailing and online research, then Las Vegas could be perfect!      

My most successful workcations include nature. I must be near or surrounded by water, trees, mountains, and sunshine. I can’t lock myself up in a hotel room. 

If going away for more than a day doesn’t seem doable, try a One Day Work Away at one of these locations:

– The local library: It may not seem like the most exciting choice, but hear us out—libraries are usually quiet, they have plenty of space to work, and they offer free Wi-Fi. Plus, if you get stuck on a project, there are generally plenty of helpful staff members around who can point you in the right direction. 

– A friend’s home: If you’re lucky enough to have a friend whose home has excellent amenities, this can be the perfect solution for your Work Away needs. Not only will you save on accommodations, but you’ll also have access to all the amenities of the home (including a fridge & bathroom). 

A campground: If you’re looking for something truly different, why not try working from a campground? This is especially great if you love being outdoors—just make sure you choose one that offers Wi-Fi access to stay connected. 

Create (or Detach from) a Flexible Schedule 

Once you’ve chosen your location, it’s time to create a schedule. Just because you’re on vacation doesn’t mean you can lounge around all day! Try setting aside specific times each day for working and stick to them. This will ensure you get your work done while leaving plenty of time for relaxing. 

For example, my usual home workday starts with coffee on the porch, a long walk, then time in my journal. Then, I spend the rest of the morning doing errands or household chores; the afternoon is for work. 

On a workcation, I stick with my opening rituals, but I flip and do all my work in the morning so the afternoons are free to explore the area. I also focus on the daily MUST DO’s. As long as I get the most important things done during my work hours, I feel no guilt and can enjoy my time. 

Make Sure You Take Breaks 

Taking breaks is essential to maintain productivity levels while working from home or away. Make sure you take at least 10-15 minutes every couple of hours to move around, stretch, grab a snack, or just take some time to relax.  Trust us; your brain will thank you for it later. 

Set Some Ground Rules

Once you arrive at your destination, it’s important to set rules to ensure you get some work done. For example, decide how many hours per day you want to work and stick to it. It’s also important to designate specific times and places for working. This will allow you to focus on getting things done. 

When on a workcation, I typically work from 9 am – 1 and refuse to check emails after “clocking out.” This way, I am protecting my boundaries and ensuring this is a workCATION, not just work. Setting up your Out-Of-Office message to say you only check email during certain hours helps you honor those expectations. 

Be Mindful of Time Differences

If you’re traveling internationally for your workcation, it’s important to be mindful of time differences when scheduling calls or meetings. Nothing is more frustrating than coordinating a conference call when one person is in New York, and the other is in London! Make sure to consider time differences so that everyone involved can be on the same page (literally).                 

This one consistently kicks my butt. I cannot recommend paying attention to time zones enough! 

Prepare for Disconnectivity

There’s nothing worse than being in the middle of an important call or meeting and losing an internet connection. Before embarking on your workcation, make sure to do your research and find out what the internet situation is like at your destination. Sometimes, purchasing an international data plan or getting a hotspot device might be necessary. I highly recommend checking your hotspot data limits before starting a workcation and adding more if your limit is low. Knowing your hotspot has enough juice will make your trip much less stressful. 

And in other cases, it might just be necessary to accept that there will be times when you lose internet connection and roll with it!        

I know workcations get a bad rap, and I haven’t always recommended them, but once I made an intentional plan and gave myself permission to work and play in the same day, it is now a go-to when I feel trapped and antsy. By following these tips, you can ensure your workcation is filled with #JOYFullProductivity! 

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