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How Do I Stay Productive On Vacation?

Staying productive on vacation can be super challenging.

Sticking to your normal routine of meetings, calls, emails and projects is nearly impossible as you try to meet the demands of your lazy family who only wants to take a break and have fun.

Guess what? Getting off of your phone, computer and iPad is actually a great idea. When you let go of something, you find space for something else… like being present and producing unforgettable memories.

Advice From a Work/Life Balance Coach

If you’re looking to relax, reset or reconnect but you bring along an extra suitcase filled with lots of work, that’s not a vacation – that’s BOOT CAMP!

I remember those days… before I became a productivity coach and started my JOYFullProductivity movement.

I’d come home from a trip more exhausted than when I left and with more laundry! On so many trips, I’d have planned out a fairly tight schedule, filled with rushing from this thing to the next – hurrying because “it might close” or “the line will be long”. Missing meals or eating late. To be honest, doing a lot of the same bullshit behaviors I did at home, which is why I never felt fully rested after a vacation.

Once I changed my perspective on productivity and realized that slowing down IS the key to doing more, I then applied it to my travels. Now we travel with looser plans and sometimes, with no plans at all other than finding a cool restaurant or seeing some music.

Letting go of Toxic Productivity behaviors can be hard. Breaking free from old patterns and habits isn’t easy. However, making a few tweaks can help you feel more confident in taking a break.

How do you truly unplug? Here are my tips

What does it mean to unplug yourself?

Having recently returned home from a 12 day trip to Alaska, Canada and the Pacific NW, here are my best MICRO tips for #JOYFullProductivity on a BREAK!!

Most of the time, when you put your phone, watch, or tablet on its charger, you don’t use it. You leave it alone and do something else as it replenishes its battery.

Same goes for vacay. Unless someone is bleeding, barfing, or otherwise dying, it’s not urgent. It can wait. Go do something ELSE.

The following tips will help you prepare so that your vacation is the break you deserve.

Create A Vacation Plan With Buffer Days 

Building in days at the beginning and end of your trip provides uninterrupted time to pack and prepare for departure and return. For example, I like to leave my house clean, all the laundry done and put way, trash removed, fridge clean, etc. I can’t do that if I am working until the last minute.

Same goes for the return trip home…because the house is clean when I get back, I can use the next day to do laundry, meal plan, buy groceries and check the mail so I can EASE back into my regular schedule rather than crashing headlong into reality without a helmet.

Pack Efficiently

Why are colors important in packing?

Why are colors important in packing?

As a former overpacker, I have learned that picking a color scheme and building your entire wardrobe  around it, not only helps you pack more efficiently, but it also makes deciding what to wear less of a hassle. Great for kids, too.

I usually go with black, navy or gray as my base. I then include tops, fun shoes, scarves or jewelry to add pops of color. It’s pretty much creating your own version of Garanimals. This also reduces the number of shoes you need as one pair of black shoes could easily go with all of your outfits.

Check off each item as you pack it. It could also help to note where you pack it, especially if you are over a certain age and experiencing temporary, yet lengthy, mid-life syndrome. This is helpful when you repack for home – just go back to the list and check it twice! Not leaving your crap at hotels is so very nice!

Become a minimalist packing queen

We hear a lot about minimalism when traveling and as much as I like streamlining and finding ways to save time and energy, I also tend to overpack for fear of having to waste vacation time looking for shaving cream, razors, a hair dryer, band-aids, nyquil, etc.…  I’m still working on it. 

In addition to packing with a color scheme, you can also extend your wardrobe by adding scarves, belts, jewelry, or any other fun, small accessory to the basic pieces. For example, I was able to take 2 t-shirts and 1 pair of jeans into 6 outfits on the cruise just by interchanging a belt, a scarf and jewelry.

Less shit in my suitcase when I leave = more room for souvenirs!

Commit to Disconnecting:

This is possibly the hardest one for those of you who are stuck in toxic productivity hell. It’s also hard for those who aren’t. Easy access to technology has altered everyone’s attention span and phone addiction is real. Even the best laid plans to avoid your phone/email/social media can be derailed.

If it feels too hard to truly disconnect from your business and not check-in, at least put an “OUT OF OFFICE” auto-reply on your inbox and reduce the amount of time you check your email. Maybe pause the notifications on your phone and let some calls go to voicemail.

The more distractions you can eliminate, the more restful this break will be.

Should I check my work email on vacation?

It’s really important to protect your vacation time and put some hard boundaries around email. Nothing ruins a vacation day faster than a problem you have to manage from hours or countries away.

Attempt to limit yourself to the day you leave (wrapping up loose ends) and the day you return (catching up) with nothing in between.

Frances Jay nails the philosophy of #JOYFullProductivity:  “My goal is no longer to get more done, but rather to have less to do.”

This is especially applicable when you are taking a break from your business. Your brain, body, mind and soul need to rest and reconnect with those you love, including yourself.

Our mission is to help you disrupt the hustle culture mindset that causes toxic productivity, overload, and burnout. If you are struggling with overload and have a hard time taking a break, download the JOYFull BadApp. This app is designed to help you map out your goals, establish a plan for reaching those goals, and track your progress along the way. Join us today and see how much more productive you can become!

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