(Photo Credit: Thais Aquino Photography)
I met Laura in 2019 through a mutual marketing consultant, Shannon Hernandez, and we all spent a week together in New Jersey on a CEO workcation. It was one of the best weeks ever! Laura is the CEO and Founder of Electronic Creatives. This playback engineering agency provides various services to touring artists and organizations, such as Pentatonix, Arianna Grande, Logic, Marie Forleo, Harry Styles, The Grammys, and American Idol. EC also teaches and trains aspiring playback engineers through its Master Track™ program.
When not running EC, Laura remains a creative genius, speaking, teaching, touring, and inspiring people worldwide. She’s pretty BADASS but not so JOYFull when we first met on the plane to Jersey. During that week, we experienced the Joy|Money Matrix™ for the first time. Both of us realized what brought joy and revenue and what was sucking the life right out of us. We created strategies for delegating, dumping, and redesigning less than joyfull tasks and prioritized those that brought us joy and cash flow. We felt lighter, more precise, and determined to find all the joy we deserved. When it was over, we both had a plan. I was going to hire a VA for Social Media/Content/Admin, and Laura was going to hire me!
Here’s what happened!
JFBAW: What problem did you need to solve?
LAURA: As a creative entrepreneur, I have plenty of grand ideas. However, I mostly just created my business step by step with no real formula or guidance regarding the operations side of things. When I met Janifer Wheeler, I was in a very challenging space with my business. My General Manager had just gotten into an accident, and I found all the responsibility crashing down on my shoulders. I was in agony because I did not have processes and procedures to account for situations like this. There was no one else in the company that knew what to do. I realized that we had been operating on a tightrope with no safety net.
JFBAW: How did I help you solve this problem?
LAURA: Janifer’s approach to helping clean up my business was very systematic. We went from department to department, hired, fired, and created systems, and all the while, she held my hand and was my biggest supporter and cheerleader. I wouldn’t have made it to the other side without her. She helped me define and clarify all of the building blocks needed to have a small business. Now, we have a documented operations process guide with detailed instructions on managing every aspect of our business: scheduling, gear builds, finance/collections, human resources, marketing, and education. Job roles are clear, and my staff is thrilled with our changes. Our workplace culture was good before, but now it’s even better. I am living in greater joy and excitement about working with my team to continue growing this business!
JFBAW: Why did you choose me?
LAURA: Upon speaking with Janifer about where I was in my business, she immediately assessed the situation and offered to help. I am intuitive, went with my gut, and hired her immediately. I didn’t regret it. She has been my guiding light in a very practical, tactical way and spiritual guidance.
JFBAW: Anything else you’d like to add?
LAURA: If you are considering hiring Janifer Wheeler, please don’t hesitate. Her breadth of knowledge and support is unparalleled, and she is a true gem in a sea of coaches and consultants who promise to deliver but fall short.
My mission: to empower a million women to break up with society’s bullshit and let go of toxic
productivity forever.
My vision: Bold, Confident, Empowered Women in every Corner of the World who are Living Fully in
their own JOY and BadAssery!
If you want to learn more about Systems and Solutions for #JOYFullProductivity, download the JOYFull BadApp!