Janifer Wheeler, the JOYFull Badass

6 Time Management Strategies for Small Business Owners

Time is a rare and valuable resource, especially if you are a small company owner who feels there are always too many things to do.

Not only are you a business owner,  you are also the CEO, HR Dept, Receptionist, Accountant, Social Media Manager, Content Creator, Administrative Assistant …. the list goes on. Juggling all of these roles and responsibilities is a daunting task, but it is possible to successfully manage your time with the right tools and strategies in place.

How can you better schedule your days as a small business owner?

The short answer: prioritizing. 

Prioritize the most important tasks and make sure they are completed each day.

But how do you determine which tasks to prioritize?

There are a few key steps you can take:

1. Clearly defined written goals  

Without specific and measurable goals, it is difficult to determine what is important and what should be focused on. Have a goal for each quarter and break them down into weeks.

2. Detailed list of tasks  

This will help you to see all the roles and responsibilities you are juggling and determine what can be delegated or automated.

3. Prioritization of the tasks  

You need to order the tasks according to importance, urgency, and feasibility. 

4. List of important ongoing business functions 

This will help you to see what areas of your business need the most attention and where you may be able to delegate or outsource some tasks. Also, it will help you identify when to say NO.

5. Built-in flexibility 

As a small business owner, you need to be prepared for things to change and be flexible with your time management strategy.

Most business owners make the mistake of assuming that they will succeed once they have more money and resources. However, one of the fastest ways to grow is by becoming more efficient with how you invest your time.

6 Time Management Strategies for Small Business Owners

Time management is essential for small business owners. The more efficient you are with your time, the more things you can accomplish, and, therefore, the more successful your business will be.

Now let’s take a look at six tips that will help you get the most out of your day:

1. Separate your tasks by monthly, weekly, and daily goals

Trying to accomplish everything at once is a recipe for disaster. It’s important to break your goals down into manageable tasks and timeframes. Create a list of all the things you need to do in a month, a week, and a day, and then prioritize them according to importance.

2. Time Block

Time blocking is dedicating a specific block of time to a specific task. For example, you may want to set aside an hour each day to work on your social media accounts. This might assist you in keeping your attention and avoiding distractions. Continuity is a crucial aspect of success. Every Wednesday, for example, set aside a certain amount of time to make new videos. The goal is to establish routines that will become habits.

3. Prepare your energy budget

Not all tasks require the same amount of energy. Some tasks can be done while you’re tired, others require more energy. It’s critical to plan your energy throughout the day so you can focus on activities that need more attention. Keep an eye on your schedule. If you know a meeting will take up a lot of your energy, block off some time for something enjoyable instead of trying to cram the day.

4. Delegate what doesn’t bring you joy

Not everything on your list of tasks needs to be done by you. Delegate tasks that don’t bring you joy or that someone else can do better than you. This will free up your time to focus on the things that only YOU can do. 

5. Do more of what brings you joy and fulfillment

This may seem like common sense, but it’s easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day tasks and forget to do the things that bring you joy. NOTE: JOY is not the same as happiness. Happiness is temporary and depends on external factors but JOY is YOURS and lasts much longer. 

6. Redesign the tasks you don’t enjoy or that you typically put off

If there are tasks on your list that you don’t enjoy, but only you can do them, find a way to make them more joyful. Procrastinating is not the answer! Redesign the task by creating a Rituals and Rewards system such as meditating BEFORE you work, listening to music WHILE you work and taking a walk when the task is complete. This will make the task more bearable and you’ll be able to get it done more quickly and efficiently. 

In closing

Time management is essential for small business owners. The more efficient you are with your time, the more things you can accomplish, and, therefore, the more successful your business will be. In this article, we looked at six time management strategies that will help you get the most out of your day. Our goal is to bring you resources so that you can manage your time more efficiently and increase your productivity.

Consider our latest self-paced micro-course: Joy Money Mastery. 30 Days to Delegation.

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